"As I watch the day turn into night
I realise the time's might
Along we move, hand-in-hand
We choose our path, steady We Stand"
- Rishi Kandra
2011 has mostly been a year of transitions, fun and life changing decisions. Its been cruel, its been kind. Its been sad, its been happy. Its basically taught me how to handle various situations in life. Being happy when the times are tough, having trust on the people you love. "Keep Faith and Have Patience" - the saying which sums it all; almost.
Basically, I can subdivide the year into Headlines ( I was going to use highlights first, but then, what the heck :P ) :
->January: Make really great Friends In Manya and Mokshda >:D<
->February: Procrastinate and kill time xD
->March: The Boards =D
->April: Competitive Exams =P
->May: Azaadi \=D//
->June: Aish B)
->July: College ki tayaari :O
->August: Debate over which college to go :-/
->September: Adjusting in the college :|
->October: Lots of home, An awesome fest and amazing friends :D
->November: Laziness and coziness of the Hostel Bed and Exams
->December: Home and Family trip and meeting Aditya -My best friend :)
The most important thing that happened was College. Came July, and i was stuck between Choosing Shri Ram College of Commerce and Delhi College of Engineering (Presently DTU). I wasted plenty of time and mind, and to the amazement of certain people, I finally ended up doing engineering.
Some nights, i still wonder whether the decisions i made this year were right or wrong. And the time flies by. But then, what's done is done, right? That's the whole point of it! Looking back and realising what we should have done and what we did. And trust me, it is not easy to choose between What's right and what's easy. Most of the people are fickle-minded and dont know what to do with their lives and what to choose at what stage.
One Advice: Always listen to what your heart says; but considering what the brain says. Decisions, are the same always. Never easy, never difficult. Its just we are sure about certain things that make the decision easy.. Proper lecture on decision making some other time :P
So moral of 2011 for me is:
Accepting mistakes, moving on and adapting to the present situation. :)
ADIEU, Oh '11 !!
ADIEU, Oh '11 !!